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60m/90/120 – $95/125/155


Mend your body with this comprehensive deep tissue, sport and neuromuscular treatment. Frankincense, orange, niaouli and arnica blend to promote cellular health while advanced bodywork techniques aim to restore the body to a more natural state. A minty camphoraceous blend is then added to areas of concern to soothe tension and relieve pain.


Liberate your vitality with this exceptional personalized treatment. Orange, ginger and star anise fruit combine to promote positivity and energize the mind while your goals are achieved through a variety of bodywork techniques. Release your worries and revel in your own self care.


Ease your senses with this luxurious swedish relaxation treatment. Lavender, chamomile and vetiver merge to encourage tranquility while long soothing connective strokes reduce pain and calm the nervous system for the ultimate rest.


Clarify your essence with this detoxifying lymphatic drainage based treatment. Tangerine, geranium and juniper fuse to purify the body’s systems’ while invigorating high-tempo techniques cleanse the lymphatic system and settle tension for the perfect reset. A spicy, sweet and minty blend is then added to an abdominal massage to provide all around relief.


Expecting mothers deserve the utmost care and respect during this incredible time in life. This decadent treatment is designed to provide much needed physical and emotional reprieve, while you handle the intricacies of creation. Light orange is used to uplift the spirit while recuperative techniques mend an ever changing anatomy. Beginning this journey with your self care as a priority is a step in the right direction.


30m/60 – $35/65


This treatment rests on the ancient Chinese belief in Qi (pronounced “chee”), or “vital energy.” Qi flows through each being and can be disrupted by a host of factors such as stress. When Qi is blocked in the body it can cause imbalances and lead to an array of health issues. Reflexology aims to keep Qi flowing through the body. Pressure is applied to specific areas of the foot that correspond to organs and systems of the body bringing relaxation and healing to the corresponding area.


Experience the incredible benefits of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils with this decadent treatment. A well-documented application technique utilizes a variety of 8 different oils and blends to support your overall health and wellbeing. Indulge in this unique treatment on its own or add the service to one of our main treatments for an extraordinary bodywork escape you wont find anywhere else.




With so many incredible health benefits, enhancing your treatment with hot stones is the ultimate boost to your overall wellness. Heated volcanic basalt stones are added throughout your massage to relieve muscle tension and pain, reduce anxiety and stress, improve sleep and even boost the immune system.


Exhilarating and refreshing, this unique enhancement is perfect for anyone who suffers from headaches, migraines and eye strain. Cool stones are placed to help ground and center the mind while we work to increase blood flow and reduce inflammation. A moisturizing facial oil is applied to hydrate the skin while we work through a series of pressure points utilizing the healing benefits of cold yellow jade.


Our feet do so much more than we give them credit for. They carry us through life step by step day after day, why not give them the appreciation they deserve with this luxurious enhancement. A combination of raw magnesium and arnica soaked towels combine with a soothing mint cream to help us focus on your foundation.


Reaching, grabbing, pushing, pulling, typing and high-fiving. Our arms and hands do it all for us, now its time to give them some much needed R&R with this recuperative enhancement. Arnica and magnesium soaked towels with soothing mint cream are applied to the arms and hands while we smooth and stretch away tension.


For those who love that little extra attention up top, this spa based enhancement is for you. A blend of naturally moisturizing oils are meticulously applied to your scalp and hair with a variety of tantalizing techniques. Rehydrate, nourish and relax your scalp and hair while drifting off to a remarkably relaxing experience you won’t soon forget.


Cannabidiol or CBD is a safe a legal form of relief from a cousin of the marijuana plant with no psychoactive ingredients. When applied topically; easing chronic pain by reducing inflammation. This enhancement allows you to experience first hand the incredible benefits of CBD by infusing our decadent treatments with a high grade, locally sourced form of CBD pain management cream.


Feeling like you need that little extra “umph” to your deep tissue session? Then this enhancement is for you. We utilize a top of the line percussive massage gun to several areas of your choosing. The versatile attachments allow us to tailor a session to your specific needs like no where else. This deep percussion technique provides immediate relief to soft tissue by lengthening and loosening muscle attachments; creating space for fresh blood flow and increased mobility. You’ll step off the table feeling lighter, looser and ready for a new day.


Did you know that certain sound frequencies can benefit your health? This immersive enhancement allows you to experience the raw benefits of sound! We place comfortable noise cancelling headphones on during your treatment, to block out all distraction and place you in your own ‘cocoon’ of personal wellness. A playlist with specific frequencies is then played to help you work through a host of ailments such as easing anxiety and stress or overcoming insomnia and mental fatigue.

3d palm leaf

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